About Us


Agricultural and Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS) U. S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India is an autonomous research and educational organization registered under society registration act 21, 1860. AETDS is mainly engaged in promotion of research in the field of Agricultural and Allied Science, Social Sciences and Biological Sciences for the development of wellbeing of mankind and farmers. Society is also working in the area of conservation of nature and environment. AETDS is organizing workshop and training program, symposium on different burning and challenging issue at National and International level. It is also delivering support and services to educators, researchers and farmers around the world. The main objective/aims of the society are to promote and disseminate knowledge in Agricultural and Allied Science, Medical Science, Social Sciences, Biological and Physical Sciences for sustainable development to make world cleaner-greener. The first step of society in the right direction would come from educating and motivating young minds on the possibilities that this area entails for scientific exploration.

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