• AETDS, Uttarakhand, India.
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified


International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences, June 2020, 1(1): 37-41

ISSN: 2582-8053


Research Article 


New record of Common Owlet Moth Spirama helicina (Hubner, 1831) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Catocalinae) from Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh) with systematic account, distribution, host plants and biological control

Akhlaq Husain1 and Wajid Hasan2

1 (Former Scientist-E, Zoological Survey of India) 41, Hari Vihar, Vijay Park, Chakrata Road, Dehra Dun – 248001, Uttarakhand

2Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jeahanabad, BAU Sabour, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: drakhlaqhusain@gmail.com

(Received: 28/04/2020; Revised: 30/05/2020; Accepted: 01/06/2020)



The present communication deals with the new record of Spirama helicina (Hubner, 1831), the Common Owlet Moth from Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh) and its systematic account, distribution, life cycle, host plants and biological control. 

Keywords: New Record, Common Owlet Moth, Aligarh